Pau brasil
Scientific name: Paubrasil echinata
Postage (m): 2,00
Country of Origin: BRAZIL
Region: Ceará to Rio de Janeiro
Family: Leguminosae - Caesalpinoideae
Size ranges from 8 to 12 meters.
Thorny branches and crown well branched. Displays foliage semideciduous, with bipinnate compound leaves. Flowers from September to November, with small yellow flowers, grouped in clusters and very fragrant.
Slow growth.
Species that its value lay in the production of a coloring principle called brasileína extracted from wood, used for dyeing textiles and as a writing ink. His intense exploitation during colonization, the kingdom wealth generated and characterized as an economic period of our history. It also encouraged the adoption of the name Brazil to our homeland. Ornamental species and extremely good choice for landscaping in general.