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Tips » Garden Care » in Summer
In Summer

With the arrival of summer, people tend to spend more time away from home, especially in your garden, since this is one of the most fresh and pleasant home. To spend quality time with the family in your garden, it is essential that in the warmer months complies with the respective maintenance


Because of the time more prone to rains, the plants easily consume more nutrients from the soil, using the full potential of the manure. It is necessary to appropriate the additional fertilizer and soil treatment around the plants. Below the types of fertilizer that can be utilized in this period.

Mineral fertilizers

In mineral fertilizer in the soil typically use granular fertilizers or powder. The shape and the location of these fertilizer plants directly influences the result. Let's separate garden plants into three categories:

Trees - should be placed in the mineral fertilizer crown projection, a few inches below the soil (2-5 cm). Water is the vehicle that carries the nutrients to the plant roots.

Shrubs - should put away the fertilizer 10-50 cm stem. This wide variation is a function of the size of the bushes, and the small place the fertilizer and the nearest large put fertilizers farther.

Linings - the fertilizer is placed among the plants evenly, knowing that this distribution is usually broadcasted (manually). After application, water, thereby avoiding the leaves become compost and burn the plants.

Lawn - Making the distribution of fertilizer broadcast following the manufacturer's recommendation fertilizer. After application, water, thereby avoiding the leaves become compost and burn the plants.

Tips: Use "Forth Garden" for trees, shrubs and ground covers and "Lawns Forth" for lawns. The dosage is specified on the product packaging.

Organic fertilization

Can be used several products: earthworm humus, manure tanned, castor bean meal, bone meal, compost, among others. This type of fertilizer provides nutrients for plants and assists in structuring soil, with very satisfactory results. To avoid inconvenience and high cost of maintenance, use only products guaranteed to be free of weeds. The amount to be applied varies according to the type of fertilizer chosen.


Who determines the amount of watering is nature. If the region in which you live is rainy, the frequency of irrigation can be very sparse, in order to avoid waterlogging and root rot. But if your summer is very dry region, extra care with watering, which should be done consistently and preferably in the morning so that the plants do not suffer burns.


Not shown much pruning in summer, due to the early stage of budding natural plants because of the abundance of light. However, calls for training and pruning cleaning must always be asked:

Pruning training: makes plants grow stronger and well formed. When you do it, take a look harmonious and symmetrical form the canopy, providing ventilation and light to all parts of the plant. When held in the spring, new shoots appear quickly.

Pruning cleaning: A light pruning should be done regularly, removing dead branches or twigs, dried, or showing malformation. After pruning cleaning, spray it with a fungicide, which significantly reduce the appearance of diseases.

Fighting pests and diseases

In the summer, it should be noted most often the emergence of pests (mainly) and diseases, identifying them and addressing them before they spill over the garden.

Tip: Always have two sprayers, a fungicide (for leaf spot) and another with insecticide (for insects), always ready to use (those can be manual sprayers). Whenever detected some pest or stain just apply and control.

Suggested products: Fungicide - Syrup Bordeaux or copper and Forth Pest (aphids, mites, etc.) - Perfection.

General Care

The excessive rainfall in some regions could cause flash floods that remove the fertile layer of soil, so it is recommended the use of organic matter or a weathered mulch to retain nutrients. Attention also with the proliferation of fungi and diseases, due to the high temperatures and high humidity.


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