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Tips » Garden Care » in Fall
In Fall

The day starts to become shorter as the temperature decreases, the wind increases and the amount of rain is much lower than in summer. These are the characteristics of autumn weather. The plants are preparing for the "dormant". For this reason, it is necessary to take some cares with the garden.


Fertilization is another important factor. It will replenish the nutrients necessary for the land to become the perfect environment for plant growth and can follow lightly, serving as a complement.

Organic manure

Perfect time to make this organic fertilizer on the lawn and it can be used earthworm humus, compost, or peat substrates suitable for lawn found in specialty stores. Prior to application to the organic matter can make holes in the lawn with a large fork, which will cause deeper from the substrate, reaching the grass roots, soil and decompressing bringing oxygen, nutrients and microorganisms beneficial to the roots.

Mineral fertilizers

After application of organic matter, make a fertilizer with granular fertilizers (4-14-8) or powdered micronutrients and water then. In mineral fertilizer to the soil usually use powdered or granular fertilizers. The shape and the location of these fertilizers in plants directly influences the result. Let's separate the garden plants into four categories:

-Trees should be placed in the mineral fertilizer canopy projection, a few inches below the soil (2-5 cm). Water is the vehicle that carries the nutrients to the plant roots.

Shrubs-should put away the fertilizer 10-50 cm stem. This wide variation is a function of the size of the bushes, and the small place the fertilizer and the nearest large put fertilizers farther.

Linings-Place the fertilizer between the plants evenly, knowing that this distribution is usually broadcasted (manually). After application, water, thus avoiding the fertilizer get the leaves and burn the plants.

Do the lawn-fertilizer distribution broadcasted as recommended by the manufacturer of the fertilizer. After application, water, thus avoiding the fertilizer get the leaves and burn the plants.


In late summer and heat reduction of the quantity of irrigation water should be decreased because the evaporation of the fall is less. On the other hand, the plants are entering a period in which the rain starts to decrease and become more soil resected. Measure is a great advantage to incorporate elements with ground hidrorretentora action, ie, they absorb moisture and keep the right amount.


Nothing to prune plants that will bloom in winter or early spring because its flowering may be impaired.

Pruning training: not recommended, unless the plant presents an overgrowth that may harm their development.

Pruning cleaning: ideal time, it is recommended to remove the yellowing leaves and twigs to favor the penetration of sunlight through the branches of the plant. This pruning cleaning is especially suitable for hedges. After pruning cleaning, spray it with a fungicide, which will significantly reduce the appearance of diseases.

Combat pests and diseases

In the fall, it should be noted most often the appearance of foliar diseases usually associated with falling leaves. Identify them and fight them before they spill over the garden.

Tip: Always have two sprays, one with fungicides (for leaf spot) and another with insecticide (for insects), always ready to use (those can be manual sprayers). Whenever detected some pest or stain just apply and control.

Suggested Products: Fungicide - Syrup Bordeaux or copper and Forth Pest (aphids, mites, etc.) - Perfection.

General Care

Watering should occur in the morning and so spaced. Only plants that are indoors should follow the watering pattern existente. Great period to put the garden on the day, pulling weeds, pruning doing cleaning and treating diseased plants.


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